Frequently Asked Questions.
. Preparation for your appointment
Most sessions will run for 45mins or 60mins depending on your type of injury/condition. Your physiotherapist/occupational therapist/exercise physiologist will advise you on the length of the session best suited to you.
Typically our therapists will require access to the injured area or area of concern. We recommend wearing comfortable loose work-out clothes/t-shirts/shorts. We can always drape you with towels if you feel more comfortable and don’t worry, if you don’t feel comfortable exposing certain areas, we will always manage a way around it too.
For private clients, we do not require doctors’ referrals/scans to see you although this will help in giving us more information about what we are seeing you for. We are trained to clinically diagnose and assess your physical movement based on your concerns. If our therapists are concerned about your symptoms, we will always follow through with a written letter to your GP with specific recommendations on what to do next. You will also need to bring your health fund card to the appointment which can be swiped, as well as a payment method via cash/card for the gap payment.
For clients who have Medicare EPC/DVA/WorkCover/CTP, you will require a doctor’s referral and the relevant documentation before making an appointment with us. These documents include the workcover capacity certificate, reports, insurance information, claim numbers, referrals etc.
For the majority of musculoskeletal issues, we are able to correct. However, for most injuries, do not expect a quick fix as this is not how our bodies work. For most conditions, we must respect the body’s tissue repair process and it’s own timeline. This will differ between individual to individual. The more chronic the condition, the longer it would take for us to discern any significant progress with treatment.
As a general guide:
Minor, acute injuries generally take between 4-8 sessions to see improvements.
Major, sub-acute type injuries, particularly post-operative care will vary between 8-14 sessions, with the exception of some specific surgeries.
Chronic, long-term conditions will demand ongoing management and care for the most part, these may take 12-18+ sessions dependent on your condition.
If we feel as though the rehab is not providing you a positive or necessary change, we may refer onwards to a second opinion or specialist who may be able to help. We encourage you to keep an open channel of communication with our therapists to discuss these concerns.
Every individual’s pain tolerance is different. Whilst acute injuries are quite painful to begin with, we will provide you tips and tricks on how to manage the pain in the immediate term and also help to alleviate some of the pain during your session if feasible. Whilst you may feel our hands-on manual treatment techniques may cause some discomfort, it should not be overwhelmingly painful. If it is, please do tell us and we can adjust the pressure.
. Payment
Our pricing information can be found under each individual booking type on our online booking platform. This will depend on if it is the initial appointment or subsequent follow-ups and the type of service required.
There may also be added costs associated with specific products if our therapists deem them necessary and beneficial to your situation in order to optimise your function.
This will depend on your health fund and your level of “Extras” cover. We recommend signing in to your health fund policy and checking with your insurance company for this information. As a service provider, we do not have direct access to this information.
Once we swipe your health fund card on our terminal, it should come up with a gap payment, which we would then require a form of payment for with either via cash/card.